2007.6-2007.8:加拿大约克大学(York University),访问学者。
2010.7-至今: 外围买球app十大平台,副教授。
2015.5-2016.5: 美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University),访问学者。
1. 《另一种“观看之道”:《身着狮皮》对立体主义绘画艺术空间观的借用》,《兰州大 学学报》,2020年3期。(CSSCI)
2. 《“虚构的真实”与非东方主义叙事——翁达杰< 世代相传>的主题辨析》,《外国文学》, 2015年1期。(CSSCI)
3. 《内部后殖民主义与种族他者的流动主体性》,《外语教学》,2014年1期。(CSSCI)
4. 《流散语境中的后殖民批判》,《外围买球app十大平台学报》,2013年2期。(CSSCI)
5. 《外国诗歌的“翻译体”与中国新诗的形式建构》,《社会科学战线》,2010年3期。(CSSCI)
6. 《结构主义对抒情长诗的有效性阐释》,《当代文坛》,2008年3期。(CSSCI)
7. 《< 桃色的云>与鲁迅的翻译语言观》,《四川戏剧》,2010年3期。(中文核心)
8. 《20世纪中国文学翻译标准理论的演进》,《中华文化论坛》,2008年4期。(中文核心)
9. 《从< 阿尼尔的灵魂>看东西方文化碰撞及其“协调者”》,《外国语言文学》,2019年2期。(中文核心)
10. 《现代小说< 身着狮皮>与古巴比伦史诗< 吉尔伽美什>的互文性研究》,《外文研究》,2019年3期。
11. 《加拿大流散作家迈克尔•翁达杰小说研究述评》,《重庆评论》,2012年2期。
12. 《从语言学角度论浪漫主义术语的演变》,《重庆职业技术学院学报》,2006年3期。
13. 《英语中性别歧视现象及女权运动对它的影响》,《渝西学院学报》,2002年3期。
14. 《高校外国文学通识课教学模式新探》,《重庆科技学院学报》,2010年11期。
15. 《马克思主义符号学的意识形态与主体历史》(译文),《当代马克思主义符号学思潮文选》,四川大学出版社,2016年。
16. 《后殖民视野下的翁达杰小说研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2021年。
4. 主持项目
1. 2020年9月主持国家社科基金一般项目“18世纪以来英语小说中的瘟疫书写研究”(项目编号:20BWW056)。
2. 2019年3月主持教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目:“中国现代翻译文学的解殖民研究”(项目编号:19YJA752014)。
3. 2010年11月主持教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目:“流散语境中的后殖民批判与主体建构”(项目编号:10YJC752024)。
4. 2015年5月主持国家留学基金委面上项目:“北美亚裔英语小说研究”。
5. 2012年12月主持重庆市社会科学规划项目:“抗战时期重庆出版的美国小说研究”(项目编号:2012YBWX090)。
6. 2009年9月主持重庆市文学艺术界联合会规划项目:“抗战时期重庆的英国文学翻译研究”(项目编号:09CQWL001)。
7. 2013年10月主持中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目:“当代加拿大亚裔英语小说研究”(项目编号:SWU1409178)。
8. 2017年6月主持中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目:“外国文学汉译的解殖民研究(1917-1949)”(项目编号:SWU1709332)。
9. 2010年9月主持外围买球app十大平台博士基金项目:“迈克尔.翁达杰小说研究”(项目编号:SWU2010)。
1. 2010年12月主研国家社科基金后期资助项目:“外国诗歌的翻译与中国现代新诗的文体建构”(10FWW005)。
2. 2011年12月主研国家社科基金青年项目:“非裔美国戏剧宣传/艺术传统的变迁”( 11CWW025)。
3. 2007年11月主研教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目:“五四译诗对早期中国新诗的影响研究”(07JC751005)。
4. 2008年9月主研重庆市高等教育教学改革研究项目:“文学通识课教学研究”(0832035)
1. 2018年10月指导学生王泉获“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛省级复赛(重庆赛区)特等奖。
2. 2018年10月指导学生吴凡获“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛省级复赛(重庆赛区)一等奖。
3. 2018年12月指导学生王泉“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛全国决赛一等奖。
4. 2020年10月指导学生王泉、毕艺铭获“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛省级复赛(重庆赛区)特等奖。
5. 2020年12月指导王泉、毕艺铭“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛全国决赛特等奖。
Name: Liu,Dan
Sept. 2007-June 2010 Sichuan University, Chengdu;
Ph. D in Comparative Literature
Sept. 2001-June 2003 Southwest University, Chongqing;
M.A. in English Language and Literature
Sept. 1997-June 2001 Southwest University, Chongqing;
B. A. in English Language and Literature
Professional Experience:
May 2015- May 2016 Visiting Scholar in Cornell University, America
July 2010- Present Associate Professor of English Language and literature
June 2010 - Aug. 2010 Visiting Scholar in York University, Canada
July 2005- July 2010 Lecturer of English Language and Literature
July 2003- July 2005 Assistant of English Language and Literature
Research Interests
20th- and 21st-Century Asian American / Canadian Literature
Postcolonial literature
Diaspora literature
Translated literature (From English to Chinese)
Selected publications:
1. “Another ‘Way of Seeing’:The Space Concept of Cubism in Michael Ondaatje’s In the Skin of a Lion”, in Journal of Lanzhou University (Social Sciences),2020(3):34-41.
2. “The ‘Virtual Reality’ and Non-Orientalism Narration:Michael Ondaatje’s Running in the Family”, in Foreign Literature, 2015(1):71-78.
3. “Internal Post-colonization and the Fluid Subjectivity of ‘the Racial Other’”, in Foreign Language Teaching, 2014(1): 86-89.
4. “The Postcolonial Criticism in the Context of Diaspora”, in Journal of Southwest University, 2013(2):122-129.
5. “The Translation of Foreign Poetry and the Stylistic Construction of Modern Chinese Poetry”, in Social Science Front, 2012(3): 145-149.
6. “An Effective Interpretation of Lyric Poem by Structuralism: A Case Study on Liangping’s The Record of Chongqing and The Door of Sanxingdui ”, in Modern Literary Magazine, 2008(3):149-150.
7. “The Evolution Process of Chinese Literary Translation Theory in 20 Century”, in Forum on Chinese Culture, 2008(3): 38-40.
8. “Anil’s Ghost: Conflicts between the Eastern and Western Cultures and Michael Ondaatje’s Role as Intermediary”, in Foreign Language and Literature Studies, 2019(2):128-140.
9. “Intertextuality between Modern Fiction In the Skin of a Lion and the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh”, in Foreign Studies, 2019(3):43-49,107.
10. “Pink Clouds and Lu Xun’s View on Translation Language”, in Sichuan Drama, 2010 (2): 48-49.
11. “Research Review on Canadian Diaspora Writer Michael Ondaatje’s Novels”, in Chongqing Comments, 2013(1): 102-109.
12. “Sexism Phenomenon in English and Influence of Women’s Liberation Movement on It”, in Journal of Western Chongqing University, 2002(2): 37-43, 91.
13. “On the Evolution of Romanticism from the Perspective of Linguistics”, in Jounal of Chongqing Vocational & Technical Institute, 2006(3): 116-120.
14. “A Study on the Curriculum and Teaching Model of General Foreign Literature Course”, in Journal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology, 2010(11): 190-191.
15. “Ideology and the Subject of History in Marxian Semiotics” (Translation), in Marxist Semiotics Today: A Selection. Chengdu: Sichuan University Press, 2016:212-219.
16. A Postcolonial Study of Michael Ondaatje’s Major Novels. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2020.
Unpublished master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation:
Master’s thesis (in English): Spatial and Metaphorical Cognition on Basic Spatial Preposition in English and Chinese, 2003, Southwest University, Chongqing.
Doctoral dissertation (in Chinese): The Postcolonial Criticism and Subjectivity Construction in the Context of Diaspora], 2010, Sichuan University, Chengdu.
1) As the director:
A. Oct. 2020 “Plague Writing in English Literature since the 18th Century ”
B. March 2019 “A Study on the Decolonization of the Modern Chinese Translated Literature”
C. June 2017 “A Study on the Decolonization of the Modern Chinese Translated Literature”
D. May 2015 “A Study on Asian English novels in North American Literature”
E. Dec. 2013 “A Study on Asian English novels in Canadian Literature”
F. Dec. 2012 “A Study on the American Novels Published in Chonqing during
Anti-Japanese War”
G. Nov. 2010 “The Postcolonial Criticism and Subjectivity Construction in the
Context of Diaspora”
H. Sept. 2010 “A Study on Diaspora Writer Michael Ondaatje and His Novels”
I. Sept. 2009 “A Study on the Translated British Literature in Chongqing during Anti-Japan War”
2) As the participant:
A. Dec. 2011 “The Evolution of African American Drama Publicity/Artistic
B. Dec. 2010 “The Translation of Foreign Poetry and the Stylistic Construction
of Modern Chinese Poetry”
C. Sept. 2008 “A Study on the Teaching of General Foreign Literature Course”
D. Nov. 2007 “The Translated Poetry around May 4th and the Early Modern
Chinese Poetry”
1) Oct. 2018 Grand Prize Coach Award in the Chongqing Provincial Final of 2018”FLTRP Cup” English Writing Contest
2) Oct. 2018 First Prize Coach Award in the Chongqing Provincial Final of 2018”FLTRP Cup” English Writing Contest
3) Dec. 2018 First Prize Coach Award in the 2018 “FLTRP Cup” English Writing Contest.
4) Oct. 2020 Grand Prize Coach Award in the Chongqing Provincial Final of 2018”FLTRP Cup” English Writing Contest
5) Dec. 2020 Grand Prize Coach Award in the 2018 “FLTRP Cup” English Writing Contest
E-mail: danliu@swu.edu.cn
Work Address:
College of International Studies
Southwest University
No.1 Tiansheng Road, Beibei District
Chongqing, 400715
People’s Republic of China