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作者:编辑: 审核: 阅读次数:日期:2023年02月16日

李恒,2023年前在外围买球app十大平台教授。研究领域主要包括认知语言学、心理语言学和手语语言学等。目前以第一作者身份已在Cognitive Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Lingua, Metaphor and Symbol, Review of Cognitive Linguistics,Pragmatics & Cognition,Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development等SSCI和AHCI检索期刊发表研究性论文30余篇。在《外语教学与研究》、《心理学报》、《外国语》、《现代外语》等CSSCI检索期刊上发表研究性论文50余篇。SSCI期刊Journal of General Psychology编委,SSCI期刊Language & Cognition专刊“Time: Understudied Avenues”(2021)客座主编。长期担任Cognitive Linguistics, Cognitive Science,Language & Cognition, Lingua,Frontiers in Psychology, PLoS One, CogSci 2016-2021《心理学报》、《现代外语》、《外语与外语教学》、《心理科学》、《中国特殊教育》等国内外知名期刊的匿名审稿人,国家社科基金中华学术外译项目通讯评审专家,第15届和16届国际认知语言学大会(ICLC 15 & 16)以及第6届亚太专门用途语言及专业交际协会国际会议科学委员会委员,《中国言语听力康复杂志》专家编委。

Selected Publications

  1. Li, H., & Cao, Y. (2018). Time will tell: Temporal landmarks influence metaphorical associations between space and time.Cognitive Linguistics,29(4).

  2. Li, H. (2020). Will it really happen? Disambiguating of the hypothetical and real “Next Wednesday's meeting” question in Mandarin speakers.Lingua,237, 102806.

  3. Li, H., & Cao, Y. (2019). Hands occupied: Chinese farmers use more non-manual pointing than herders,Lingua,222.

  4. Li, H. (2020). Less is more. Motor fluency impairment and body-specific representation of valence.Review of Cognitive Linguistics,18(2), 520–535.

  5. Li, H., & Cao, Y. (2019). Losing your footing, losing your morality: The embodied effect of physical slant on moral judgment.Review of Cognitive Linguistics,17(2), 497-510.

  6. Li, H., & Cao, Y. (2019). Moving at the speed of life: How life pace influences temporal reasoning.Metaphor and Symbol,34(3),158-166.

  7. Li, H., & Cao, Y. (2019). The Wheel of Time. The relationship between religious experiences and Chinese Buddhists’ spatial representations of time.Pragmatics and Cognition, 26(2/3), 197–214.

  8. Li, H. & Shen, S.(2020).A clearer sense of self: relationship between bilingualism and overconfidence bias.Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-14.

  9. Li, H., & Cao, Y. (2020). For the love of nature: People who prefer natural versus synthetic drugs are higher in nature connectedness.Journal of Environmental Psychology,71, 101496.

  10. Li, H., & Cao, Y. (2020). In times of illness: Covid-19 threat influences temporal focus and implicit space-time mappings.Personality and Individual Differences,171, 110561.

  11. Li, H. (2021). Follow or not follow?: The relationship between psychological entitlement and compliance with preventive measures to the COVID-19.Personality and Individual Differences.

  12. 李恒,曹宇. (2013).中国高水平英语学习者运动事件的言语-手势表征.《外语教学与研究》,45(6),886-896+961.

  13. 李恒,曹宇. (2019).汉,英母语者时间认知方式研究——来自行为和眼动的证据.《外语教学与研究》,51(5),712-722.

  14. 李恒,曹宇. (2016).第二语言水平对双语者语言抑制能力的影响——来自英语–汉语单通道双语者和英语–美国手语双通道双语者的证据.《心理学报》,48(4),343-351.

  15. 李恒,曹宇. (2018).时间焦点对前后方向上内隐时空映射的影响——来自汉族和羌族的证据《心理学报》.50(10),1083-1093.

  16. 李恒,张积家. (2016).听觉任务下汉语母语者对不同类型时间句的加工.《心理学报》,48(6),617-624.

  17. 李恒,江桂英. (2018).汉语情感效价空间隐喻的手势表达.《外国语(上海外国语大学学报)》,41(2),86-93.

  18. 李恒. (2015).压力感对汉语讲话者时间隐喻理解的影响.《现代外语》,38(6),770-873.(人大复印资料“语言文字学”2016年第4期全文转载)

  19. 李恒,吴铃. (2013).中国手语运动事件的词汇化模式.《现代外语》,36(4),355-362+437.李恒. (2016).时空隐喻的心理现实性:手势和手语的视角.《心理科学》, 39 (5),1080-1085.

  20. 李恒,吴铃. (2013).中国手语情感隐喻研究.《语言文字应用》,(4),54-61.

  21. 李恒. (2014).汉语使用者时空隐喻手势的认知研究.《外语与外语教学》,(6),38-43.

  22. 李恒,张积家. (2017).汉、英讲话者对“前”、“后”时空隐喻的偏好及其成因.《外语与外语教学》,(1),42-48+146-147.

  23. 李恒,张积家. (2019).时空隐喻对中国高水平英语学习者时间认知的影响.《外语与外语教学》,(5), 96-104+150.
