Barbara Greene
Ph. D in East Asian Studies, MinorinAnthropology Aug2017
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Dissertation Title: “Repercussions of the Dark Valley: Reenacting and Reinterpreting an Era via FantasyManga”
Committee: James Gabriel (chair), Noel Pinnington, Nathaniel Smith, Qing McFatter
MA inWarStudies(Distinction) Dec 2010
King’s College London, UK
BA in East Asian Languages andCultures/InternationalStudies May 2007
University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Academic English Instructor (PeaceCorpsVolunteer) Present
College of International Studies Southwest University (Beibei, PRC)
Contemporary Japanese VisualCultureInstructor June 2013-June2017
Department of East Asian Studies, University of Arizona
· Prepared lectures and lesson plans for undergraduatestudents
· Taught writing and researchskills
· Wrote syllabi andassessment
· Developed and led an online version of JPN 245 – Japanese VisualCulture
· Integrated multimedia and technology in teaching andassessment
AcademicEnglishInstructor June 2016-May2017
Department of English as a Second Language, Black Hawk College
· Mentored and tutored students ranging from recent high school graduate to adultlearners
· Taught reading skills to non-native Englishspeakers
Contemporary WorldIssuesInstructor Spring Semester2016
Global Studies Department, Scott Community College
· Developed course materials, lessons, and assessments for high school students taking the course for collegecredit
· Taught research, critical thinking, and academic writingskills
GraduateTeachingAssistant Aug 2011-May2014
Department of East Asian Studies, University of Arizona
· Led multiple discussion groups consisting of 25-30students
· Graded assignments and gave feedback to undergraduatestudents
· Taught research skills during officehours
· Gave individual lectures at least once a semester to classes ranging from 140-160 undergraduate students
"Moyashimonand the Popularization of Agrarian Nationalism"The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. TBA
“Furusatoand Emotional Pilgrimage:Ge Ge Ge no Kitaroand Sakaiminato” (2016).Japanese Journal of Religious Studies. 43:2, 333-356.
"Gyo and Collective Memory" (2016).Electronic Journal of Japanese Studies16.1
The Embodiment of Horror: Kuchisake Onna and Domestic Violence”
2017 Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Toronto, Ontario (March 16th- 19th, 2017)
“Moyashimonand the Popularization of Agrarian Nationalism"
2016 Western Social Science Association Conference. Reno, Nevada (April 13th-16th, 2016)
“Mapmaking, Early Mass Culture, and Proto-Nationalism”
Oceans and Deserts - Symposium. The University of Arizona (February 28th-March 1st, 2014)
“Furusatoand Emotional Pilgrimage:Ge Ge Ge no Kitaroand Sakaiminato”
Asia in Memory and Imagination - Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies.Weber State University (September 27-28th, 2013) – Nominated for Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award
“Historical Memory and theMangaof Junji Ito”
Graduate Student Colloquium. Portland State University (June 8th, 2013)
“Nationalistic Imagery inHigh School of the Dead”
Violence & Resistance – Graduate History Conference.Syracuse University (March 29th, 2013)
TravelGrantJudge-GSAPS Fall 2016-Summer2017
ArizonaAssuranceMentor Aug 2013-May2014CERTIFICATES
Certificate inCollegeTeaching May2014
100-HourTEFLCertificate May2016
EnglishInstructor-BerlitzJapan Oct 2010-June 2011/Oct 2014-Oct 2015 Freelance Writer-NewsChannelDaily Aug 2013-Jan2015
English Instructor-PeaceCorpsAzerbaijan June 2007-June2009
Office Assistant-Global CrossroadsLiving/LearningComm. Sep 2005-May2007PROFESSIONALMEMBERSHIP
Association forAsianStudies
Western Social ScienceAssociation
Address:Jinzhuyuan Banzhucun No. 2, Tiansheng Rd., Beibei, Chongqing, PRC
Post Code:400715